XI International Conference
«Engineering & Telecommunication — En&T-2024»
About the conference
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (Russia), Tsinghua University (China), LLC CETS «Exponenta» and PhysTech-Union (Russia) hold the XI international conference «Engineering and Telecommunication – En&T-2024».
Lyudmila Uzhinskaya, MIPT, Russia
Aleksandra Pozdeeva, MIPT, Russia
Vadim Kaloshin, IRE RAS, Russia
Zulfira Suroegina, Russia
Conference Program includes the following sections:
- Telecommunication technologies and networks
Wireless data transmission systems and networks.Optical fiber networks and technologies. Signals, images, video and audio processing. Digital telecommunication and broadcasting system.Multimedia and telecom services.
- Radar and communication systems
Advanced technologies in communications and radar. Satellite communications and satellite IoT. UHF devices and antennas. Applied electrodynamics. Future materials for electronics.
- Computer systems and intelligent data processing
Architecture of computer systems. Software, development tools and technologies. Information security in data transmission networks. Neural networks and neural computers. Intelligent data analysis systems. Applied systems with AI
Working languages - Russian and English.